Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Canyon Bakehouse Update

Great News!!!  Canyon Bakehouse announced on Facebook today that their Gluten Free Hamburger buns will be in Whole Foods this weekend for Memorial Day!  Looks like I will have to make a trip to Whole Foods and try them this weekend.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Two for Tuesday

Thank goodness for Two for Tuesday's with ZPizza.  I absolutely love their pizza and inhaled the one tonight.  Organic with light sauce and lots of toppings.  I don't like a lot of sauce on my pizza and theirs is the perfect amount.  The downside, you do pay about $3 extra for the gluten free crust.

I learned about ZPizza from Kim at Gluten Free is Life.  There is a location in Columbus and I did some checking to find if there was a location here in Denver.  Success!  There is one store and it's on my way home from work.  Too far too deliver to work, but great for late nights like tonight to stop and pick up on my way home.  The dogs drooled until I shared some of the italian sausage with them. :)

Friday, May 14, 2010

Have you heard the News?

Canyon Bakehouse announced today on Facebook that they are going to be coming out with Gluten Free Whole Grain Hamburger Buns.  I received a free sample of their Seven Grain Bread and Cranberry Crunch muffins a few months back.  I have never tasted anything so similar to regular bread.

You can find Canyon Bakehouse bread at Whole Foods or go to their website and order online.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

It is Spring in the Rockies!

Welcome to Spring in the Rockies.  It snowed today and feels more like Winter than Spring.  At least the few inches have quickly melted away.

About a month ago, I had discovered Gluten Free Cheese filled Ravioli and Cheese/Potato/Onion Pierogies at Whole Foods.  Over my last two shopping trips I picked up both and tried them.  Delicious!  I loved the Pierogies the best.  The directions state to cook the Pierogies in water, but I prefer to bake them.  Bake at 400 degrees for about 12 minutes on each side.  Make sure you spray both sides with cooking spray.

I have already gone through the bag of Pierogies, but below is a picture of the Cheese Ravioli.  Whole Foods also carries the Gnocchi, but I have not yet tried it.  That will be my next purchase!  You can order online at or find if a store near you also sells it.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

First Post

I started following a few blogs when I was first diagnosed with Celiac Disease back in 2007.  I looked through my pantry that first day and could not believe all of the foods I would have to give up.  I loved eating bread and pasta.  How could I ever give up bread?!?!

Almost three years later and there are times I still miss eating bread, especially German Rye Bread.  My father was military and I remember when we would visit German friends my parents had made and I would eat nothing but bread, butter, and Black Forest Ham.  Seeing German pretzels at the Christkindl Market during the holidays does not help.  If I knew I wouldn't get so sick, I would probably break down and eat one.  No matter how it could tastes, the major stomach ache is not worth it!!!

I have thought on and off about doing a blog, but never went any further. And then came an E-Marketing class that had a project that gave the option of either doing some type of web page for a business or a paper. I decided it was time to quit procrastinating and do the blog.

I am a full-time graduate student and also work full time. I wish that I had time to cook elaborate meals every day, but it just doesn't happen. There are a lot of processed out there that are Gluten-Free and I am just as guilty now about eating them as I was before starting this journey. Let's be realistic, we all don't always have time to cook after working 10 to 12 hours and either animals or kids to take care of, let alone homework that needs to be done. I do love to cook and bake and hope to provide recipes.

I hope you enjoy reading and will post your thoughts as well!