About Me

I was diagnosed with Celiacs disease in June of 2007.  This was after about six months of testing to find out why I had bone loss.  I had finally switched to a new Doctor who looked over the tests and symptoms and indicated he had a hunch at what was wrong and ordered a blood test.  On a Sunday morning, I got a phone call stating I had Celiacs and that it was a "simple" diet change.  There was nothing simple about switching to a gluten free diet.  I had a vacation planned to Maine the beginning of July and that was my last splurge of eating a "non" gluten-free diet.

I won't lie, the first year was definitely the hardest.  I cheated every once in awhile for the first six months.  After a few times of really getting sick from eating food that contained gluten, I decided it was no longer worth cheating.

My hope is that this blog will be helpful for individuals that are newly diagnosed and new information for those that have been on this journey for quite some time.